My Prayer For You

This life of ours is such that no man can truly predict it. From happy surprises to those heart wrenching accidents, there is but little we control. And for those of faith, our prayers are our form of solace and power. Today (like every day) 1.6 Billion Muslims around the world will be united in prayer five times through out the day.

Human nature is a selfish one but sometimes we have a moment when reality strikes and we realise we’re nothing more than a speck in the greater scheme of things. So in a moment of true clarity, I’m using my prayer time to send a silent whisper for you.

A prayer for those who need it and a reminder to be thankful for those who don’t.

May you heart find it’s way to happiness and peace, be  that in the arms of one you love or simply in the pleasure of being content with your life. May you have a moment every day where laughter bubbles up and time slows to hear your joy.

May each day bring healing with the dawn restore your energy while healing your wounds whether they are physical, mental or psychological. May hope remain within your heart as you find new strength and make a new start. I pray you’ll find solace from anything that haunts you. May love surprise you and time heal you.

I pray you never lose touch with your inner child for you’ll need the youthful motivation to push through another painful day. I pray that, if you are ill, you find comfort in a way that will not harm you later on. I pray that something small makes you smile and you return the gesture by making someone else smile.

Today, we woke up. We survived the night, whether or not it was painful or we feel broken, we welcomed a new dawn. For that, I make شكر (shukr – give thanks). I walk, talk, smile and type with the least amount of pain. I am thankful.

Lastly, I pray that we realize our fortune. I pray that the pain you’re in today turns into your future gain. I pray that we are guided to the paths that are best for us. I pray for unity and love to prosper. I pray that this sick world is cured and that children are not tainted. I pray for our protection (every being) from the lurking evils haunting us.

Today, when I sit on my prayer mat for my afternoon prayer, I will be praying for humanity as a whole.

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Because, in my mind regardless of whether or not you believe in God, I do and maybe just maybe my slip of faith will be accepted and in some small way ease whatever burden this world is suffering through.

Thus I send you a prayer and good vibes.

May you find peace,

Signature (6)




6 thoughts on “My Prayer For You

  1. Thank you for being. You are a light and a joy and a blessing beyond words. Your every heartbeat is a prayer and in my every heartbeat is a prayer for you. I love you, my Bella ♡

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